Its origins are not very clear, many of the same type were made in ancient times it has been found in bas-relief representations of Assyrians and Hittites dating back to 1000 years BC.
In the sixteenth century appears a rich literature whose major production centers in Spain. At this time shows a five-stringed guitar whose contribution is due to the Andalusian poet and musician Espiel Vicente Martínez, born in Ronda (Malaga) in 1550. Portuguese Doici
Nicola de Velasco, published in 1630 his New Method for figure for five-string guitar strumming, the oldest one known.
The contribution of Gaspar Sanz (1640-1710) composer Aragon thanks to his "Instruction on the English guitar music" was a major contribution to the baroque guitar.
The eighteenth century brought great changes on the guitar. Perhaps the most transcendent change was the appearance of the sixth string.
In 1760, Fray Miguel Garcia, known as the father Basil, first introduced six-string guitar, this being the first musician to guitar music is screened in modern musical notation.
In the eighteenth century, the emergence of large concert as: Ferdinando Carulli (1770-1841). Dionisio Aguado (1784-1849). Fernando Sor (1778-1939) Catalan universal gave prestige to the guitar; was called the "Beethoven of the instrument.
Francisco Tarrega (1852-1909) was born in Castellón. demonstrated for the first time all the musical possibilities of the guitar.
In the nineteenth century despite the great changes experienced regarding its construction, musical aspect was affected by the crisis caused by the appearance of the piano, INSTRUMENT was taken as a pattern and play the guitar was relegated to a pastime activity.
To this day we observed that the performance was amazing and made the guitar a inprescindible instrument in flamenco, accompanying the singing, dancing, and as a solo instrument for the concert.
Source: MUSIC IN THE GUITAR Loop Wessel