This DVD belongs to the series "The movements of desire." Meditation is one of the big issues, but it's hard not to be driven by a "desire" internal achievement. Krishnamurti exposes us to clear the bases, the beginning and end of meditation free of all desire. Jiddu Krishnamurti was born in India in 1895 and died in the United States in 1986. Throughout his life
spoke in different parts of the world, with numerous public and particularly people among whom were writers, scientists, philosophers and educators.
Meditation is one of the most important things in life, not how to meditate meditation not as a system, not the practice of meditation, but rather what meditation really is. If one can discover, very deeply, meaning, 'the need and importance of meditation for yourself then you discard all the systems, methods, gurus, along with all the peculiar things that are, involved in type Eastern meditation.
not really agree with theories and assertions, and experiences of psychologists, philosophers and gurus, but for the investigation of the nature and movement of oneself, to see what one really.
From time immemorial, man has wondered if there is something immutable and absolute. Krishnamurti argues that to answer that question, it is essential to meditation, that is, understanding the reality of what is and what one is. Beyond techniques, practices and methods hitherto known the mind in meditation brings a different approach on meditation, which denies any achievement, purpose or objective to be be achieved through it. According to the author, while there is a meditator
meditation has no meaning, if there is an interest, whether he gets inner peace, the silence of the mind or stop the movement of thought, meditation is just a cop.
When the mind is able to discard all the influence and interference,
and be completely alone, only then there is creativity. The religious man is interested in transforming society, which is yourself.
To perceive the truth, one must have a keen mind, clearly and specifically not a cunning mind, tortured, but a mind able to see without distortion, a mind innocent and vulnerable. Nor can perceive the truth a mind full of knowledge, it can only do a mind that has complete ability to learn.
Without meditation there is no self-knowledge without self-knowledge there is no meditation. You must begin, therefore, to know what you are. You can not go far without start near, without understanding their daily process of thought, feeling and action.
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