Friday, June 8, 2007

Music For Awards Ceremony

Statistics Travel and other hobbies

This week we decided to give a major boost Finite's blog, which offers many possibilities, and who suffered a worrisome drop. The 5 entries in this morning will become from now on the weekly average, a rate that is necessary to maintain over the summer to launch the project I have in mind now: a travel blog with a vaguely professional. That said, here we go with the summary of what has been the weekly activity of the network:

- Finite talked about the region Algarve (Portugal), to the city of London has devoted two entries: the Pagoda Kew and the British Library , the two remaining items us closer to Czestochowa (Poland) and museums dedicated to the city of Madrid .

- the oracle has dedicated its latest entries in the ESS iPhone ; in ND has published a summary of sports media, ended up with BTV, which has seen a flurry of activity, so only one visit to recommend his videos policy.

- yours truly finally made a summary of what have been the Ademar signings for the season starts, I have also had time to dedicate some lines to Poland and León.


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