Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Dragon Ball Online Doujin

Big Bang

We are not particularly fans of so many theories about the origin of the universe and humanity or about episodes of history where there was nobody to know that is true because at the end are all speculation and many of these theories change over the years. It is now well and gone tomorrow. Yet if we speak our son all these theories as they hear about them all the time and turn around many things, so your knowledge will be good to understand certain things.

Today we have been talking about the big bang more than anything because I asked for some pictures I was looking in a book. At the end of the morning has been a while playing with a drawing program we have in the computer and has come what you see in the picture, and he said look mom, the big bang. Obviously you have not done explicitly, but c this drawing by chance he has been linked with the image of the book, which I confirmed that it has been attentive to what he said.


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