When you meet with Master

was in 1973 when Somosaguas University in Madrid had the fortune to meet in the middle of a lecture by Professor José Luis Sampedro and was such a hit that caused me the substance of his speech it is only comparable to that produced me this morning when I've become to hear in an interview on National Radio of Spain.
As a tribute and thanks to you, I would like to play some of their ideas that seem most appropriate to recall at this time.
José Luis Sampedro, 93, "young people increasingly have more years, life is fundamental, personal freedom, getting along with oneself, cooperation between all rather than less competitive, not to give importance, harmony with nature, energy to live, each day we learn new things, the cultural satisfaction, the future lies in education (case are mine, that of the classical liberal education), the Social Forums provide the solution not the politicians who do not know how. In the eighteenth century had an enlightened despotism and go to a Tecnificado Despotism, you know a few others control us. "
know it's a bold claim for me to summarize in 7 lines illustrate the ideas of Professor but I think if we think about each task for sure that we continue the journey.
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