a game development requires basic and strategic knowledge are learned through study and work.
Given its long history, chess as a world filled with passionate characters, anecdotes and memorable items that provoke admiration for its originality and brilliance.
listened this morning to comment on Leoncho Garcia, a qualified journalist and chess expert who had joined the course of Chess at the University of Huelva and there are now over 1000 learning centers as an extracurricular activity.
as not trying to be something technical that I write about chess, I end up with a definition that fully justifies its content all the passion of its practitioners and the desire of those who want to do it.
Benjamin Franklin, politician, scientist and inventor said about chess. "Chess is not merely frivolous but fun practice develops several very valuable qualities of mind in normal life because life is often a kind of chess game where we need to have a vision for the future, weighing the consequences of our actions assume the responsibility for them, always have an overview of the situation and not just on one side, a sound understanding of the risks and dangers and strictly follow the rules. "
I love chess.
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