Throughout our lives we've all had the opportunity to enjoy some time in the music and those that also have decided to enter their world and learn with a double cause for satisfaction to know and become actors.
The experience of being a student at a music school where professionals and educators are able to motivate and excite children, adolescents and adults to convey the charm of the harmony of the notes and silences is only comparable with the feeling that produces the joy of being on the right track.
Learning to read music regardless of the instrument is chosen, we facilitate understanding musical language as written music is the same in most countries of the world.
reading of a score that is the written description of a musical piece gives us everything we need to know, the musical signs tell us the notes or sounds that we have to interpret the time and the time it has to last. When we can make the sound different notes simultaneously and produce a harmony will be playing a sound pleasing to the ear.
discipline and effort required to learn music is directly proportional to the satisfaction that comes from the collective interpretation with colleagues and share with them these musical evenings filled with anxiety and the time of joy for a job well done.
The freedom that is capable of transmitting the interpretation of a piece of music is an experience worth try and the reflection of the philosopher Osho invites all those who want to recreate your mind to find both a space in harmony.
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