Well, to say that I will put things old and new as you see lol. I would start with what for me is a sign that even the most powerful being can put my foot in the communication do. is a great example of this, as Coca Cola's own make this spot shows that no more money for you to do better.
From my point of view and well taken at maximum power, the ad says: "Eat your corrosive product." It is clear that this comment is too extreme but the feeling it leaves. That feeling that there is something wrong with that product. Removing the part of football and the spark of life that good is good without being anything special, this announcement should not have done, is its short duration on screen back in 2006 hinted that were quickly realized the error. many people do not even remember.
A second mistake that I see (not to mention the 4 pts. When Mr. Italian ...) is to say that his great-grandson says that's not healthy. As Coca Cola is directed to the public in general should not drop that new generations do not see it as a healthy ...
Well I hope to read some of your comments
PS: I promise to improve my writing that I am very green this and see where it goes you never know.
Please spend!
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