Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How Fast Will 4 Hp Go

The Mozart Effect for Children, Don Campbell [Audio CD + Book] - Harnessing the power of music to heal the body, strengthen the mind and release the creative spirit

On The Mozart Effect, Don Campbell shows us that music is the most appropriate tool to improve aspects such as language, motor skills and expression of feelings in children.

With dynamic and imaginative examples, teaches parents and teachers to enhance the child's imagination with sounds, music and songs.

presents simple exercises and fun activities designed for different stages of development, from
the months before the birth to ten years. Campbell

exposed, from special ways of strengthening ties between parents and babies born, to tips on fostering good study habits and minimize the stress of primary school students.

The Mozart Effect is also an account of how doctors, shamans, musicians and health professionals use music, sounds and voices to treat various diseases, and a guide to find the most common disorders and how to discover your sound for relief.

We have an essential reference work for all people involved in child education. With the support of the author, who brings his inexhaustible curiosity and his vast knowledge to help get children to maintain and develop the health of your body, mind and soul.

Ebook: The Mozart Effect by Don Campbell - ISBN: 84-7953-257-2
Audio: Mozart Effect for Children (Mp3)
CD 1. Learning: Tune Up Your Mind CD 2
. Created: Relax, imagine and draw
CD 3. Intelligence: Mozart in Motion CD
4. Understanding: Mozart

Instant Data: [Audio CD + Book] - Harnessing the power of music to heal the body, strengthen the mind and release the creative spirit 4 CD

Would you like to recover those dreams you used to design for your life, and that time and everyday circumstances you let them into oblivion? ... What if I began to travel the path that would lead directly to achieving your bliss?
Have you thought about how to change your lifestyle? ... If you took the decision to be someone completely different, recover happiness, change your body language, smile more often
shake hand with positive feelings radiate joy and happiness to others, be recognized by your family, as it now different person, ... where would walk your self ...?? This Course:
DECIDE SER FELIZ * Wake the happy moments of the past, to implement the internal motor is asleep and forgotten within.
* begin to make key decisions, and if you put your mind, you will achieve your happiness.
* The techniques applied to rage throughout this VIDEO COURSE, build confidence in yourself.
* succeeded in banishing the bad habits of your life, and implementing good habits, to achieve the results that you have set.
* Your vision and thoughts to others will be different and attract positive people around you.
* internal emotions begin to experience, do not want to leave for any reason. * A frustrations that they are resolved, they will put an end, and forever. * begin to feel like your life is filled with happiness, and so, which spread to your environment.
* inside you'll feel motivated to neck experienced before.
* Increase in you, the desire for cooperation and kindness with everyone you know and those to come to know. * The engine of your mind, always ready to give you all the creativity necessary to achieve your goals. * You maintain and add friends who are super excited to share and hold meetings with you.
* Every day you wake up you'll be glad I made the decision to make these changes.
* Your self-esteem and confidence in yourself, it will be amazing and will grow as you progress with your practice. * In a few months
your family you will be completely renovated, and you will discover in this hero wrestler who were hiding inside. Content

Decide To Be Happy - Module (1)

* First point: As awaken sleeping happiness that is within you.
* Second point: Decide that you will happiness and the will.
* Third Point: Build confidence in yourself.

Decide To Be Happy - Module (2)
* Fourth Point: How to change bad habits. * Fifth point: How to think well of others.
* Sixth Point: Your good habits will change your emotions.
Decide To Be Happy - Module (3)

* Seventh Point: Your frustrations are now part of the past.
* Eighth Point: As your life is filled with happiness.
* Ninth Point: Feeling happiness.
Data: Course Video and Audio Download


Friday, April 22, 2011

Cramps But High Cervix

Decide to be happy, Rodolfo Acosta [Course Video] - Finding happiness. Simple techniques that can turn around your life

The chakras are several energy centers in our body but there are 7 main chakras, each one has its gland or organ, mantra, color and planet. Each chakra works in a particular way and get a stream of energy coming from the physical body. are energy centers that are located in the etheric body, they appear as vortices of subtle matter, which are active at all times even though we are not aware of it. An imbalance in these upset the glandular system and nervous system to which it relates. These can be stimulated by certain psycho-physical practices. 1 - coccygeal or Base Chakra (Muladhara.
2 - Prostate and Uterine Chakra (Svadhisthana. 3 - Navel Chakra (Manipura. 4 - Heart Chakra (Anahata.
5 - Chakra Laryngeal (Vishuddha).
6 - Chakra Front (Ajna.
7 - Chakra Coronal (Sahasrara. This is a meditation with the description of the colors of the 7 main chakras and mantra of everyone in particular, to balance.

Download mp3 audio

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Burst Blood Vessels In Nose With Phlegm

to balance the Chakras Meditation - Audio mp3

This "Introductory Course to Meditation in 12 Days" has been made in order to respond to a common demand. It happens that many people have heard of meditation and its great benefits, but do not know whether to learn it must be under the orbit of some guru or belong to any group that smells sect.

To that end, Mr. José Maria Doria has recorded a series of exercises to train attention and guide the person into a state of physical relaxation and mental calmness.
Indeed, this work is an exercise routine can be called as "gymnastics of the attention." That is why their 12 practices may be repeated over time, as often as you like, getting to expand consciousness and improve the functions of concentration and attention. As background music to the words recorded inducers, we have chosen a neutral and powerful note as an OM that the author got in a temple in Nepal. This background sound focuses the mind and prevents emotional associations that can lead to dismissal.
Together the four CDs includes a manual that explains what is meditation and the basic elements that can enrich the entry into this ancient practice, for their extraordinary psychosomatic benefits, is considered a "turbo accelerator of growth and evolution."

About the author: Jose Maria Doria a BA and MA in Psychology. Work
transpersonal psychotherapist and coach emotional. Make workshops
Education Emotions, Integral Consciousness and Introduction to Meditation.
founding member of Integral Institute and the School Transpersonal Therapy Transpersonal, from which trains future therapists. Organizers
trip to Nepal and China, and their research has led him to live with the Huichol Indians in Mexico, and the lamas of the Kopan Monastery in Nepal.
Lecturer and author of numerous works, both written and audiovisual


4 CD + Guide Book the best cure is an effective ancient remedy: meditation.
The origin of this art is in the Far East, in popular philosophies related to the practice of Yoga. Combining different schools and techniques including Yoga and Tai-Chi, this program provides a unique system
relaxation to release accumulated stress and get a feeling of wellbeing and satisfaction.
The exercises are organized in different sessions can be practiced individually or as a progressive set. Each session is accompanied by soothing music and aesthetic landscapes sequences that make a perfect combination of calm and harmony.

Downloads: (Links interchangeable)


http://rapidshare.com/files/214840644/Guia_practica_Tecnicas_de_Meditacion__Castellano_.Documental.part2 . rar

http : / / rapidshare.com/files/214844942/Guia_practica_Tecnicas_de_Meditacion__Castellano_.Documental.part5.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/214844977/Guia_practica_Tecnicas_de_Meditacion__Castellano_.Documental.part6.rar



http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QS6H0540 1 Only
link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=5439I2CT

Monday, April 4, 2011

Do You Always Get Ill When You Have Hiv Or Aids

Initiation into Meditation in 12 days - Jose Maria Doria [Audio Course] - Learn how to train your attention and get to the physical relaxation

This DVD belongs to the series "The movements of desire." Meditation is one of the big issues, but it's hard not to be driven by a "desire" internal achievement. Krishnamurti exposes us to clear the bases, the beginning and end of meditation free of all desire. Jiddu Krishnamurti was born in India in 1895 and died in the United States in 1986. Throughout his life
spoke in different parts of the world, with numerous public and particularly people among whom were writers, scientists, philosophers and educators.

Meditation is one of the most important things in life, not how to meditate meditation not as a system, not the practice of meditation, but rather what meditation really is. If one can discover, very deeply, meaning, 'the need and importance of meditation for yourself then you discard all the systems, methods, gurus, along with all the peculiar things that are, involved in type Eastern meditation.
not really agree with theories and assertions, and experiences of psychologists, philosophers and gurus, but for the investigation of the nature and movement of oneself, to see what one really.
From time immemorial, man has wondered if there is something immutable and absolute. Krishnamurti argues that to answer that question, it is essential to meditation, that is, understanding the reality of what is and what one is. Beyond techniques, practices and methods hitherto known the mind in meditation brings a different approach on meditation, which denies any achievement, purpose or objective to be be achieved through it. According to the author, while there is a meditator
meditation has no meaning, if there is an interest, whether he gets inner peace, the silence of the mind or stop the movement of thought, meditation is just a cop.
When the mind is able to discard all the influence and interference,
and be completely alone, only then there is creativity. The religious man is interested in transforming society, which is yourself.
Meditation is a fragmentation of life, not to retire to a monastery or retreat into a room sitting quietly for ten minutes or an hour in an attempt to focus and learn to meditate, while the rest of the time one remains an ugly, ugly human being.

To perceive the truth, one must have a keen mind, clearly and specifically not a cunning mind, tortured, but a mind able to see without distortion, a mind innocent and vulnerable. Nor can perceive the truth a mind full of knowledge, it can only do a mind that has complete ability to learn.

Without meditation there is no self-knowledge without self-knowledge there is no meditation. You must begin, therefore, to know what you are. You can not go far without start near, without understanding their daily process of thought, feeling and action.
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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Differnce Between An Ulcer And A Abcess

mint and serenity meditation techniques, Yoga and Tai-chi (Practical Guide): DVD. In Spanish

Angelight healing music (Healing Music Therapy) is a series of CDs of music therapy, created to balance, balance and help heal the body in general. These tunes do NOT contain sounds or encoded signals, subliminal or the like, which affect the subconscious.

These music sessions in no way intended to replace medication prescribed by a doctor, but have proved of great help to unlock energy blockages that occur in the body, around a body, thus causing disease. These tunes will also help eliminate stress and unlock your body overall.
LISTENING: Try to choose times of day when nothing interrupted. Make yourself comfortable, sitting or lying down, relax ... close your eyes and turn up the music. If possible, use headphones. Dive in music, focusing attention on listening and enjoy the sounds without putting thoughts in the middle.

CD1 - nervous system and brain music therapy CD for your brain and nervous system, will help to eliminate tension, stress and improve their learning through a better understanding of the information. Often, the brain is overloaded with too much information and learning power is diminished. Increase the capacity of your mind, opening of new receptors in the brain, through the music therapy. De-stress and open the door to a better learning experience composed specifically for the brain and nervous system.
CD2 - SYSTEM and lungs The lungs are responsible for exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide between the air we breathe and the blood that carries oxygen to all parts of our body. The CD of therapy for their lungs and respiratory system will be like the feeling of breathing clean air after the rain. The fresh clean air and restore the body's energy. Your lungs will release toxins. If you experience coughing during the hearing, it means that your lungs are trying to restore to full capacity and a healthier state, trying to drive out what remains locked to the respiratory system

CD3 - HEART AND CIRCULATORY SYSTEM Your heart is the hardest working muscle is the engine that moves the body, causing blood flow by an extensive system of arteries, veins and blood vessels. The pace of life, the stress of relationships, money issues, all contribute to increased stress levels and changes directly affect the heart and blood pressure. The CD of therapy for your heart and circulatory system will help adjust the heart rate, lower high blood pressure or low blood pressure stabilize.
We live in a toxic. Our water is mixed with heavy metals. The air we breathe is polluted with carbon byproducts. All this, along with poor eating habits, lessens the ability of the digestive system to digest and absorb food and nutrients. As they say: garbage in, garbage out. The small and large intestines are the body system for waste treatment. The CD of therapy for your digestive system, stomach and intestines, has been created to help digestion and the harmony of the fuel that your body needs for wellness. Free intestinal transit aid, freeing our body all the toxic matter is not evacuated regularly. CD5 - SYSTEM SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS About the author: Yuri Ryzhov
(Angelight), Russian composer, healer and psychologist, is the creator of this special series of musical works for the body. The story of his music began long before, with many years of practice of spiritual healing that have aimed to develop this special music. Yuri
sought healing music for the essential parts of the body. On a practical level he has been able to unite the spiritual music physiology. In his seminars, he created a special series of musical, which opened a new era in the history of Russian music.

After a series of concerts with this music, there are statements and testimony of those who had benefited from ANGELIGHT music. Many doctors and spiritual teachers began to make the connection of traditional healing approaches to treatment of the music ANGELIGHT. .... and everyone started experience improvements in their mind and body.
Data: HEALING MUSIC (Healing Music Therapy), Angelight [Audio CD] - Music therapy for balance and balance the different body systems. 5 CDs income.
Now you can get the training system that will teach you step by step secrets ever revealed about how to anticipate and overcome any objection at any place and at any time!

Increase your sales by up to 300% in just a couple of weeks implementing our training system. The program
* The first words you use to start a conversation with a prospect.
* Appropriate responses to 30 of the toughest objections you can find in the personal and professional after training with our system you will know exactly what is what you say.
* learn how to answer your prospects questions and allay their concerns adequately.
* The secrets to identify the REAL reason behind each object.
* The 5 steps to take to close a sale during a phone call, with which you can increase your effectiveness by at least 35%
* A 3 step process to prepare yourself mentally before making a cold call to the you'll feel confident and able to take control of the situation from the beginning.
* What say you to control your emotions under any circumstances and can answer clearly.
* What to do when 're facing an angry person or when it asks you a question malicious.
* How to identify the emotional content that exists behind every objection.
* What you say to turn the situation to your favor in less than 60 seconds.
* How to neutralize the emotional charge that can exist behind an objection.
* How to identify if the prospect is telling the truth or just giving you false hopes.
* How to let go of worry to some objections even before they appear.
* One technique to help you hear better and help you retain in your mind the contents of a conversation. * How to tell
if a prospect is sneaking critical information. Content

Software System for handling objections:

This software runs on conventional PC systems and Mac systems
With this system you can practice the exercises for the management of the objections in a totally interactive. It's a really fun way to learn. By using this software you can record your progress and improvement in the handling of objections, also like the flashcards you consider objections include those tough to beat. Soon you'll be willing to take on major objections who possess the secret of how to transform a "NO" in a "YES". Audio CD

the system for handling objections: This Audio CD is narrated by Marco Antonio Reginato, who will guide you step by step to learn to use the flash cards game. In addition, Marco Antonio will trust a number of secrets to be able to take full advantage of techniques for handling objections and so you face a few weeks or even anticipate your worst enemy (objection) confident that you will be victorious

Data: TRAINING PROGRAM FOR SELLERS DOGS. Handles objections rescheduled your brain, it removes the fear and be confident - Marco Antonio Reginato, Sales Dogs [Audio Book + Course] Audio: 12 tracks weight and measures, in addition to experience relaxation and self-acceptance.
The Neuroinducción is a self-help method that uses the brain's resources to enable the person to practice accelerate learning, improve health and succeed. The Neuroinducción used
hemisphere stimulation exercises and rhythm brain to help you induce your brain to the goals you've set.

The Neuroinducción is a stimulation technique by the rhythms of the brain. The role of Neuroinducción brain is to adapt the pace for change. The techniques induce the brain to appropriate states. The technical term and Neuroinducción were designed by Juan Antonio Guerrero Cañongo who continues to investigate on it.
Some basic rules to help and accompany this program: 1 .- Clinical analysis to rule out glandular irregularities. 2 .- Take a balanced diet,
3 .- You do not need much exercise a day, but not be sedentary. 4 .-
neuroinducción is a way to educate your brain naturally.
5 .- When you get to the excellent condition of this contribution, your stomach will already be sized to only receive food proved necessary, and your brain is already adequate to follow a healthy life while eating what you like.

Data: LOSE WEIGHT EATING, Antonio Guerrero Cañongo [Audiobook] - Program your brain to lose weight by eating, with Subliminal Neuroinducción and Technology.
2 CD Program in Integrative Medicine of Dr. Andrew Weil at the University of Arizona, we are immediately struck by the honesty and sincerity of Dr. Pearl. He was a man who was willing to give up one of the most lucrative chiropractic

Los Angeles to embark on a journey of spiritual healing and ask some of the most important and controversial questions of medicine and healing today .

* Power Play, and the information involved, a major role in health and healing?
* Can our minds to connect with this energy, and we can learn to harness this energy to heal
ourselves and others?
* Is there a big spiritual reality, composed of living energy, with which we can learn to connect,
that not only furthers our personal healing, but healing the entire planet?

We asked: "Will there be insane Dr. Pearl? Or, is there
reconnected with the wisdom of his own heart and the heart of living energy of the cosmos? ".
A wonderful book that describes the evolution of a doctor-healer, told with wit, humor and great insight. The curious stories and experiences of Dr. Pearl that lead to the development of Reconnective Healing are both edifying and moving.
Eric Pearl has received a gift like no other, he conveys to us all. His proposal on Reconnective Healing is simple, although its effects are profound. Represents a new and non-directed form of energy healing that goes beyond the formulas, techniques and mantras that we've provided so far to work on this planet. A book recommended not only for therapists, but for all those interested in awakening their own healing potential. The Reconnection is a true story, well written, I could really inspire people to follow his spiritual path and become healers.

Data: The Reconnection, Dr. Eric Pearl [Book] - Heal others and heal thyself. Discover the key to health and healing, following your spiritual path.
Book Call commandments, or dietary laws, or whatever and get a heavenly reward to add to my bank account, beyond the clouds with God?

All this makes no sense, and people are realizing that. Are turning their back, the churches are emptying.
If religions could absorb this message, what change would occur! We know-and I always taught this when I was professor of theology, that whatever we have come to do in this world, it's become something, to achieve a radical transformation of what I am and what I do . We are not here to
obey or follow a strict list of commandments. We are here to build a monumental change in us.
In short, we are here to accomplish what Jesus reached and left as a message to all humanity: to develop the Christ Consciousness. Hence, call it Jesus Christ or Jesus the Christ. Christ is a level of consciousness. It can be summarized as follows: Christ Consciousness = UNIVERSAL LOVE, PURE AND UNCONDITIONAL.

Something about the author: Dr. Miceal Ledwith, Waxford born in Ireland in 1942. He was ordained a Catholic priest in 1967 after graduating in Arts, Philosophy and Theology. He has extensive experience within the Church in different activities and positions he held. Among other things, became a Deacon of the Faculty of Theology in 1979 and Vice President of St. Patricks College (the largest seminary in Ireland) in 1980 serving until being appointed President in 1985. During that time, the number of college students increased by 300%.
His interest has always been based on the fundamental areas of theology, summarized as the four big questions, as he likes to call "who we are, where we come, we must do, and where we go. His studies and research have involuvrado the painful separation of the modes of thought conditioned by time and the vision of how reality is, of fundamental beliefs about God and human destiny. He has long studied the sources that exist and identified many gaps in religious understandings of God and our place in this world. participated in the famous documentary on Quantum Physics And you know what?!

Original Title: How Jesus Became a Christ Year: 2006 Author: Míceál Ledwith. (One of the protagonists of "And you know?) Gender: Conference / Spirituality / Christ Consciousness
Composed of 2 DVDs, processed in one video. Quality:
DVDRip Format: AVI
Length: 4:36:29
Video Codec: DviX
Video Bitrate: 750 kbps Frame Rate: 29 frs Dimensions: 640 x 480
Size: 1.43 GB
Audio Codec:
MPGE 1 Layer 3 Format: Lame MP3
Audio Bitrate: 160 kbps
Channels: 2
Frequency: 44.1 KHz
Hosts: Multiupload (6 Servers with interchangeable links)
encoded and processed by SilverLady
Material Sin Pass

Source: Expanding awareness

Ambico Tripod Camera Parts

movements of desire - The principle of Meditation - Healing Music

LA RECONEXIÓN, Dr. Eric Pearl [ Libro ] - Sana a otros y sánate a ti mismo. This Book Will Transform Your Life and Wonderful Urge forever because ... it has a special power in it, which can give a dramatic boost in your life just by reading it. And we say LITERALLY. Discover here the truth
three secret powers or abilities that have been known and used by very few people ... the most successful and happy in the world. A combination of success and happiness that

rarely seen in those who know. Because most people who are successful are admired, but not happiness.
These three powers will depart from three hazards-their opposites-carrying of failure and unhappiness:

impoverished and negative bias

Learn all this in an adventure with Ariel and Granfuz gnomes, a wizard-squirrel, the beautiful ruler of the castle Actually, the magic mirror of truth and a wizard-bear.

The book has a hypnotic power capable of improving the lives of people with only read and that makes it totally different from all other books that have been posted so far.

This book is a handy utility for anyone who wishes to transcend himself home, a better person or to enhance human performance, professional, sales, or any class, at the same time worrying about their happiness and inner contentment.

The book is the fruit of many years of research and hard work. Psychology is a combination of quantum Covert Hypnosis and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). And it offers useful and powerful tools and makes an entertaining story form

Author Dr. Rod Fuentes has traveled a long time and many parts of the world looking to find a fundamental truth that enable people to achieve a direct path to the achievement and happiness. And in his travels he has met people so atypical and fantastic as the book's characters
also has carefully considered all methods of influence and power that people have used through the centuries. Including grimoires or practice manuals, the oldest and original "medieval Magicians. Some from libraries of Europe and the British Museum, City Library in the city of Lyon in France and in private libraries in the United States. Introduction to the Book

Let me tell the story of John, the lost traveler ... By focusing on follow paths and roads that led nowhere lost his memory, his family and home. Three powers you can use to get away from that which brings harm and dissatisfaction, and get an incredible improvement and personal development, creating amazing changes in your life, improving your business, sales and personal achievement ...
The POWER of the correct approach, THE POWER OF SELF-CREATED REALITY and THE POWER OF DISTORTION NEUTRALIZATION AND POSITIVE John the hero in this story found that the three branches were within reach, and yours too-powerful and allowed him to set aside three hazards that were the direct cause of failure and misery, and the daily misery of millions of people, including you ...
And which, even when daily limit your life in many ways, you've never heard of :

REALITY THE WRONG APPROACH impoverishment and negative bias
These dangers led to John-and you too-to unhappiness. In this adventure I have begun to reveal John learned all this in his meeting with Ariel and Granfuz gnomes, a wizard-squirrel, the beautiful ruler of the castle of reality, the secret and magical mirror of truth and a wizard-bear .
These non-human characters -Being external observers of reality, understood the dangers and more power-capabilities-that humans have. Much more than yourself.

If you have the ability to understand, as any person reading this entire book, learn to analyze your beliefs, to use those three powers, and away from your life today the dangers that lie in wait and reach those achievements and satisfaction you seek ...

So now open your eyes wide open and with them began at this moment to read this adventure ...

About the Author:

Author Dr. Rod Fuentes is a dentist at the University of Chile. Diploma in Traditional Chinese Medicine with a specialization in acupuncture and moxibustion at the University of Santiago. Writer, an expert in NLP, hypnosis and hypnotic communication. He has traveled to many parts of the western world looking to find a fundamental truth that allows people to find a direct path to fulfillment and happiness. He has also studied the methods of influence and power that people have used through the centuries.
Author of books "and psycho-physical influence of women on the unborn child," "Change ... magically", "magic square" hypnotic "," Secrets of Health "," A Light in the Chaos. "
In the area of \u200b\u200bhypnosis began to practice at 9 years old, continued its practice upon graduation in dentistry from the University of Chile. In the area of \u200b\u200bNLP is the only Chilean to the title of International Licensed Trainer of NLP approved directly by Dr. Bandler and endorsed by The Society of NLP in the United States to train people in NLP. Human Design Engineer. He is the author of one of the most comprehensive NLP programs in English-speaking, 17 CDs: "Expand Your Mind and Your Presence Your Skills with NLP and DHE Applications." He is the author of numerous audio programs NLP: "Healing of fears and phobias", "Allergy Cure", "Panels kinesthetic DHE", "Systems Propellant "," The Magic of metaprogrammers. " And a huge number of subliminal recordings for personal change. Dr. Rod Fuentes has shown that it is possible to cure phobias, in minutes, before the TV cameras at the University of Concepción. It was the first Chilean television cure phobias using NLP.
With Dr. Ron Dalrymple PH.D., psychologist and American scientist, the only doctor in Quantum Psychology United States to Europe and professor at the University of Maryland, founded the International Consortium QFP NLP and NLP to provide training, hypnosis and quantum psychology, national and international level with offices in Santiago and Missouri.
Since the early 80's Dr. Rod Fuentes has led some institutions founded and personal development. He has given various personal development courses, "The Laws of Prosperity and Success," "Awareness" (Awakening), Awareness, Inspiration, Intuition "(23 Lessons)," Harmonize Your Life with the Infinite Source. Personal Growth "(28 Lessons)," Personal Magnetism, Influence, and Success "(11 lessons)," self-realization and Harmony "," The Circle of Power. " Participated in the translation and publication of numerous books, among which are mentioned: Bella Wisdom Life (Anonymous), Magic unveiled (Baron Jules Du Potet); Our Story of Atlantis (Dr. WW Phelon), The Mysticism of Masonry (Dr. Reuben Clymer) Natural Magic (Giambaptista Della Porta);
In its travel and training, and contacts with different groups some of which are very secret, "has known several people some as fantastic as the characters in this book.
has researched for 20 years astrology of the ancient teachers such as Dorothy of Sidon, Ptolemy, Bonatti, Ali Ben Ragel, Zahel etc., In their original texts. Has explored this branch of ancient astrology very deeply, and delivered training and consulting. He has written several books which include "Astrology Restored, Kabbalistic and harmonized" Dialogues between Sofia and Philo on the Creation, chaos, destruction of the universe, the heavens and the Astros, as Isaak Ben Yehuda Abravanel (1541), "The Astronomy Vitruvius and Pliny the Elder (first century AD), "Signs of development on the Spiritual Path" (based on the teachings of Plutarch of Chaeronea).
For nearly 30 years has been devoted, as a hobby and for research-a valuable collection of books on influence and power, magnetism, hypnosis, suggestion and Grimoires from the Middle Ages to the present time. Among the authors who have investigated are particularly Teofastro Paracelsus, Cornelius Agrippa, Johannes Trithemius, Raymond Lully, Pedro D 'Abano, and many more.

Data: the Three Powers, Rod Sources [Book + Audiobook] - A book that will transform and drive your life forever beautifully.
Book and work together to improve our planet, to anchor the Love and Light through each of our hearts, holding the Divine in our intent .. Call is a heart to heart to remember and select the Memory of Our Galactic Source Unit

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Milena Velba Pregnant Pictur

How the poor Willix resist?

Yesterday, said it closed to start a new project. Today, it was reopened by a force majeure. And is the release of Willix.

And this spot has met several things, first a duck, an animal that I've always been fond of, the second and third plot laughter.

Funny how without seeing the last 3 seconds and know exactly what brand it is. It's funny, for me personally, because no joint announcement I liked so far.

is a clear example of creating a brand image around to the point of not having to teach people to identify it. As much as I liked the other ads, the footprint left at all. By then I was not convinced the strategy, now I realize that is the very best I've seen, I guess that this announcement.

Enjoy it and you know, send e-mails to your friends to Free Willix.

PD is true, is not going to get.

Track: Doctor Watson

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Green Xanax Bars And Yellow

not a goodbye, I promise!

I know this sounds like a farewell, after visiting many blogs look like they always say that the resume, that does not stop, so I do not want that. Actually this blog die, I will be called differently and have another structure, but my mood for that journey are large, the problem is time, which is tiny, so you can not start until I get some time for him.

I hope that the new challenge you follow along with me!

Monday, March 28, 2011

How Unblock Runescape At School

DVDFull (Healing Music Therapy), Angelight [Audio CD] - Music therapy for balance and balance the different body systems vendors

, looked inside to see how he created that person's disease. As he improved, the patient improved. Ho'oponopono means "to correct an error" or "do the right thing" and is a practice that was done a long tradition of Huna.
This technique is based:
1. In the belief that we create our reality, we are co-creators and everything we see, experience, all the people around us, everything that makes up our world is there because we've created, we have asked is for some reason or motive. It's there because that is what we agree ... and so therefore we are responsible for what happens in our world. We accept that we have 100% responsibility in the things that happen. 3. There is a Divinity whose wisdom and power are far superior to ours and who loves us unconditionally.
LOS TRES PODERES [ Libro + Audiolibro ] 4. We must be willing to leave everything in the hands of the Divine to heal our memories, feelings, beliefs ... .., to heal the root of any unwanted or painful experience we have and to heal at the same time to others. We must be willing to accept our responsibility and at the same time accepting help from the Divine, to accept it is with this support with which we can heal and be healed.

order to practice this technique is to connect with our inner child and ask him to communicate with the Divine and say: "Divinity clean me what is contributing to this problem appears" Then you have to say: Sorry, forgive me I love you, thanks.
In doing so I am asking the Divine to cancel programs (memories) in me so that they are canceled also in other people, I am asking for healing my inner child to heal myself and others.

What is Ho'oponopono? Means: Correct a mistake.

What is the objective?
bring peace and balance in a simple and effective means of mental and physical cleansing and through a process of repentance, forgiveness and transmutation.

Ho'oponopono can be used by everyone regardless of age and culture.

Things we can achieve with the Hooponopono:

Solving problems in a simple manner. Dropping
problems that cause you stress, illness and imbalance ...
know who you are and find your identity through introspection and heal yourself through your template deleted, fears, etc.. How to connect and protect
your inner child, which is your subconscious and who embodied the things in your life.
how to get inner peace and balance through spiritual purification, mental and physical.
How to heal and let go of painful emotional memories without having to relive them. Sorry

and transmutation.

If we can accept that we are the sum total of all past thoughts, emotions, words, deeds and actions and that our present lives and choices are influenced by this bank of memory of the past, so we started to look like a correct process errors can change our lives, our families and our community.

The old technique Ho'oponopono

therapy takes shape from the ancient technique of Ho'oponopono, which cleans the unconscious because, as explained, all happening within ourselves. We take full responsibility. We are totally responsible for our lives as well as external events, that includes the president, politicians, the environment, anything that affects us directly or indirectly.

Healing is the result of the powerful feeling of forgiveness. If there is a problem regardless of whether internal or external must be solved internally.

How is it done? Ho'oponopono

According to resolve the problem is recite

"Divine Creator, Father, Mother, Son-in-one ... If I, my family, relatives and ancestors have offended you, your family, relatives and ancestors in thoughts, words, deeds and actions from the beginning of our creation to the present, we ask your forgiveness ... Let this cleanse, purify, release, cut all the negative memories, blocks, energies and vibrations transmute these unwanted energies to pure light ... and it's done. "

healing technique Dr. Haleakala Hew Len is based on repeating the following phrases to the Divine Creator, thinking that we are responsible:


PERDONAME Divine Creator, Father, Mother and son all one, forgive me if I, my family, my relatives I did my ancestors, I have offended you, your family, your relatives or ancestors in thoughts, words, attitudes and actions since the beginning of the creation of my soul to the present. We beg your forgiveness. Allows this to cleanse, purify and release, cut all the memories, blocks, energies and negative vibrations, transmute these unwanted energies in pure light. And this is done.


prayer such as we upload or aprendérnosla:
The Way of the work of Hooponopono in the three minds

Part A: Repentance and forgiveness.
The Conscious Mind can start the process of Ho'oponopono to release the reports, or may remain subject to them, with guilt and thought. "

1. The Conscious Mind begins the process of Ho'oponopono problem solving, petition to Divine Intelligence to transmute memories to void. She acknowledges that the memories are relived in your subconscious mind and that they are responsible for it 100%. (When I say I'm sorry, I'm asking forgiveness and making me charge at 100%)

2. The downward flow of the petition to the subconscious mind gently set in motion the memories for transmutation. The request then goes to the Super Conscious Mind, from the subconscious mind, and

3. The Super Conscious Mind reviews the application, making any changes it deems appropriate. For always being linked to Divine Providence, she is able to review and make changes. The request is then directed upwards to the Divine Intelligence, for final review and consideration;

Part B: Transmutation by Divine Intelligence
4. After analyzing the request sent upward by the Super Conscious Mind, Divine Intelligence sends energy transmutation Super Conscious Mind;
5. Transmuting energy flows from the Super Conscious Mind to the Conscious Mind.
6. And Transmuting energy flows from the Conscious Mind for Subconscious Mind. Transmuting energy neutralizes first designated reports. Neutralized energies are then released for storage, leaving a void. Memories are constant companions of the subconscious mind. They never let the subconscious mind to go on holiday. They never let the subconscious mind to retire. The memories never stop in their relentless revival! "
When practicing Ho'oponopono, we do to change the other, but to wipe Divinity" we "thoughts full of painful memories that make us see another as a problem. Cleaning takes place in you ... the work is done with you ... but those memories are shared when cleaning ... we are cleaning up in the All. is crucial to understand that when we see a problem with someone, that person is just a reflection of a memory stored in our subconscious that is expressed through that problem in that person. The problem is not the person but our thoughts about it.

These reports, whether or not we aware of them, are projected at all times, creating our reality ... making repeat experiences occurred in stories that leave us without understanding why or how to get out of them ...
Often in these recurring situations, we have the illusion that the problem is on the other and that if he changed the suffering would end ... and invested much energy in the search for the amendment of the "other."
Sometimes, if the problem is the "other" prefer to keep a comfortable distance from where we can go ... and continue to interfere with our thoughts ... our prosecutions and taxes ... only the "other" ... we ourselves ... and it is our responsibility to clean all that we created from our thoughts and beliefs accumulated since the beginning of our experience.
Indeed our work is only to receive what comes to us every day ... as a "gift."
When your soul experience some memories, say to them mentally or silently: "I love you, dear memories. I appreciate the opportunity to release all of you and me. "" I love you "can be repeated mentally over and over again. The memories never go "on vacation" or retire, unless you retirement. "I love you" can be used even if you are not aware of the problems. We do all the time this process of disposing of memories and restore its own identity ... and open space for our reality is created by Divine Inspiration.



Divine Creator, Father, mother, son, all in one, if I, my family, my relatives and ancestors offended your family, relatives and ancestors in thoughts, words, deeds and actions from the beginning of our creation to This
we ask your forgiveness.
Let this cleanse, purify, release and cut all the memories, blocks,
Energy and negative vibrations. Transmutes these unwanted energies to pure light
and it is.


To cleanse my subconscious emotional storing all say it again and again during my day, the Ho `keywords Oponopono.

SORRY, FORGIVE ME, THANK YOU, I LOVE YOU. I declare peace with all people on Earth and with whom I have outstanding debts.


all those whom I believed to damage and abuse because I simply returned what I did before in another life, another time.

Although it hard to forgive me I'm someone who apologizes for that someone now, this moment in time.

On this sacred space that daily habit and you do not feel at ease.


so hard to keep only the only bad memories.
So, I do not like my present life, my life, my work or my environment: Divinity, cleaner that is helping me with my meager.

SORRY, FORGIVE ME, THANK YOU, I LOVE YOU. If my physical body experience anxiety, worry, guilt, fear, sadness, nostalgia, pain .... I say "I love my memories, I am grateful for the opportunity to free you and me.


I think my emotional health and all my loved ones. I love you
For my needs and to learn to wait without anxiety, without fear, acknowledge the reports here, sorry I love you.

Beloved Mother Earth that you are who I am if I, my family, my relatives and ancestors mistreat you with thoughts, words, deeds, stocks, since the beginning of our creation to the present , I ask your forgiveness.

Let this cleanse, purify, release and cut all the memories, blocks, energies and negative vibrations. Transmute the energy

undesirable PURA Light and it is. In conclusion I

your knowledge, this audio is my contribution to your emotional health is the same as mine.

So very well that to the extent that you go I will heal me too. For that reason, now I tell you I'm sorry, for the memories of pain that I share with you.
I'm sorry for joining my change yours to heal.
I thank you for being here for me and I love you for who you are .... Taken

video audio Vivi Ho `Oponopono Cervera ....

Sunday, March 27, 2011

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dog training program - Marco Antonio Reginato [Audiobook + Course] - Handles objections reprograms your brain, eliminates fear. Slimming

Today I bring you some audio with guided meditations that will help you let go of those feelings toward certain people and to yourself, including other things. Remember that

Resentment and bitterness are a poison that we take, THINKING THAT HURTS OTHERS ...


To listen or download:

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Why Do Men Wear Ladies Underwear

eating, Antonio Guerrero Cañongo [Audiobook] - Program your brain to lose weight by eating, with Subliminal Technology Neuroinducción

"There is a form of intelligence that science still can not express" HIM stands for "Human Intelligence Matrix "and refers to all dormant capacities human beings have knowledge of which would change our society and the world dramatically. HIM. BEYOND THE LIGHT , is a film based on real events and based on the life of René Mey. It's about the infinite human potential, miracles from the perspective of science, healing, angels and the power of love.
is no accident that has taken place in Mexico, because many feel that there will grow a great Light that will awaken your sacred culture and help them escape the spiral of violence and corruption. The story revolves around Nathan, a young Mexican scientist expert in cell biology, quietly, silently in love with a partner, dedicated to work and deal with a disabled mother whose life changes completely when he meets a character with abilities supernatural. So discover a world of miraculous healings, beyond physical senses, and begins to develop a nuevaciencia. But the true background of "Beyond Light" is the life and works of Rene Mey French humanist whose biography notes that a child has memories of his previous life, you can see and feel the presence of Beings of Light that always accompanying and has capacity of clairvoyance and healing meditation acquired after a continuous 8 years without eating, sleeping or drinking (non-food needs is the same case as Hira Ratan Manek and others). Rene Mey dedicated his life to humanitarian work, came to Mexico to help the country meet its mission was to change and opened with 400 volunteer health centers that provide free to about 17,000 people a month. The movie " HIM: Beyond light" was created by Rene Mey and a team of collaborators with the aim of contributing to AWAKENING TO A NEW INTELLIGENCE , with all the capabilities that come with it, and accompany humanity in this period in the history of the leg and start a "new cosmic cycle." And this purpose is shared with the documentary, also Mexican, "To believe is to create" on the Mayan teachings.
say that those who have already seen "Beyond the Light" have left the cinema with a different vibe and full of energy healing and caring. " And you know what " introduced us to quantum physics, " Matrix Life" in quantum medicine "Beyond Light" may be the final discovery of what lies behind our interior. Capture:
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Friday, March 25, 2011

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Reconnection, Dr. Eric Pearl [Book] - Heal others and heal thyself. Discover the key to health and healing, following your spiritual path.

For those who were captivated after reading
secrecy, and those who believe that nothing could surprise, comes power, the new book by Rhonda Byrne
. "You were born to live an amazing life! In this book I want to show the way to a wonderful life. There are many things you have to understand about life and all of them are good. In fact, more than good, are fantastic! Life is infinitely easier than you think, and when you start
understand how it works and the power that is within you, begin to experience the magic of life in all magnitude, then you will have an amazing life!
Now let the magic begin your life. " This is the manual of the greatest power of the universe: The Power to be anything you want. Without the power would not have even one human being on the planet. Any discovery, invention and human creativity comes from The Power. The life of your dreams has always been closer than you think, because the power-to have all the good things in life, is within you.
Rhonda Byrne, after her own journey of self discovery, it has been proposed to provide happiness to billions of people. He began his journey with the documentary film The Secret have already seen millions of people around the world. Then came the book The Secret, a bestseller translated into 46 languages \u200b\u200bworldwide. Now with Power, Rhonda Byrne continues his innovative work and reveals what is the greatest force in the universe. Download

Thursday, March 24, 2011

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How Jesus became a Christ - Miceal Ledwith (2 DVDs) [2006] [Conference] [DVDRip] [Eng]

universities graduate of Columbia and Yale, he taught at the University of Miami, becoming chief of Mount Sinai Psychiatric Hospital of Miami Beach. Celebrated author of several works related to love and belief in reincarnation, will address the latter Through studying psychiatric experience narrated by patients under hypnosis, assisting the birth of
past life regression therapy. That is why their study has generated controversy in the scientific community.

Download all

How Much Do The Bang Bros Make

The 3 powers, Rod Sources [Book + Audiobook] - A book that will transform and drive your life beautifully

The Great Invocation is a world prayer translated more than 75 languages \u200b\u200band dialects. is an instrument of power to help bring about full expression of God's Plan on Earth. The beauty and strength of this Invocation lies in its simplicity and in its expression of certain central truths which all men innately and normally accept:
The truth of the existence of a basic Intelligence to Whom we vaguely give the name God.

The truth that behind all outward appearances, Love is the motivating power of the universe. The truth that came to Earth a great Individuality, called the Christ by Christians, who embodied that love so that we could understand.
The truth of that love and intelligence are two effects of the Will of God.
And finally the truth eminent that the Divine Plan can only develop through humanity itself. Through meditation, prayer and invocation, the divine energies can be released and brought to the activity. Men and women of goodwill of many faiths and nations can join together in world service, bringing courage and spiritual strength to a troubled world. They have the power to affect world events through focused, united invocation. Knowledge of this fact, scientifically applied, can be one of the great liberating factors of humanity.
Nobody can use this Invocation or prayer to evoke light and love without causing powerful changes in their own life, attitudes and purposes. "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he."
Will you use this Invocation in a thoughtful and dedicated?
The effect of individual prayer Invocation and demand for light and love, is increased immeasurably when there is a conscious recognition and daily mental relationship with those who pronounced the Invocation as often as they wish in due course. The link made each day through this invocation will form a triangle lit world. The union of the joint force of individuals and groups focusing the power of this prayer so that stands around the globe a network of light and love that will help stop the evil forces that invade the planet.
The Great Invocation From the point of Light within the Mind of God Let light stream forth
the minds of men; Let Light descend on Earth.
From the point of Love within the Heart of God Let love stream forth the hearts of men; May Christ return to Earth.

From the center where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men; The purpose which the Masters know and serve. From the center which we call the race of men,
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth
Source: Humanity is now in a peculiar and unique middle ground between an unhappy past and a future full of promise, provided that recognize the reappearance of Christ and carried out the preparation for His coming. The present is full of promise and also of difficulties now and in the immediate present humanity holds in its hands the fate of the world - or can be expressed as, with all reverence, the immediate activity of Christ. The agony of war and anguish of all mankind led to Christ in 1945 to make a big decision, expressed in two very important statements. Notice to the spiritual Hierarchy and all His servants and disciples on earth, His decision to emerge again into physical contact with humanity, whether carried out the initial stages of establishing right human relations. then gave the world (to be recited by the common man) one of the oldest prayers ever known, but so far only been allowed to use the most exalted beings. It is said that he himself first used in 1945 during the full moon of June, known as the full moon of Christ, as well as the full moon of May, Festival of Wesak is the Buddha. It was not easy to translate these ancient phrases (so ancient that no date or antecedent) in modern terms, but this has been done, and the Great Invocation may eventually be a world prayer.

Only a few, very few used the Lord's Prayer in the early days of Christianity, because it was necessary to register and express it in understandable terms, and translate it properly before being used widely. This effort took centuries. Today we have all the facilities for rapid distribution, and have been employed on the Great Invocation. words, the origin of The Great Invocation is strongly hierarchical comes from the Planetary Spiritual Hierarchy or that set of Masters of Compassion and Wisdom, of whom the World Teacher is one of its key guides (called Christ by Christians and other names in different religious and philosophical traditions of our modern world .

The beauty and strength of this Invocation lies in its simplicity and in its expression of certain central truths which all men innately and normally accept, such as the truth of the existence of a basic Intelligence to Whom we vaguely give the name of God, the truth that behind all outward appearances, Love is the motivating power of the universe, the truth that came to Earth a great Individuality - called by Christians the Christians - who embodied that love so that we could understand, the truth that love and intelligence are both effects of the Will of God, and finally, the obvious truth that the divine plan can only developed through humanity itself.

This invocation is not owned by any individual or particular group. It belongs to all humanity. Using it or encouraging others to recite that does not favor any particular group or organization. All
Invocation refers to the imminent, influential and revealing energy deposition, the immediate cause of all events on earth, indicating the birth of something new and better, these events demonstrate the advancement of human consciousness into greater light.
From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of men

Let Light descend on Earth.

The first three lines refer to the Mind of God as the focal point for divine light. This concerns the soul of all things. The term soul - with its attribute of enlightenment - including the human soul and the highest point we regard as the soul "influential" of humanity, that brings light and diffused lighting. You need to have This, provided that the light is active energy. When we invoke the Mind of God and say "Let light stream forth into the minds of men, let Light descend on Earth", we are expressing one of the greatest needs of humanity and, if the invocation and prayer mean anything, the answer will surely come and certainty. When people feel the need - at all times, in all circumstances and at all times - to implore it to an invisible spirit, we can rest assured that such a center exists. The invocation is as old as humanity itself.
Christ said that men "love darkness rather than light because their works are bad. "However, the beauty that emerges at present is that the light reaches every dark place, and nothing is hidden that shall not be revealed. People recognize the current darkness and misery, and therefore gives welcome light. One of the greatest needs today is to enlighten human minds to see things as they are and understand the right motives and how to establish right human relations. In the light that brings enlightenment , we see finally the light, and the day that thousands of children of men and countless groups may say Hermes and Christ: "I am (or we) light the world."
From point of Love within the Heart of God
The three lines in the second stanza, the Heart of God and relate to the focal point of love, the "heart" of the world manifested in the spiritual hierarchy - the great intelligence that transmits love all forms of manifestation divine.
Love is an energy that must reach the hearts of men and fertilizing mankind with understanding the quality of love, when love and intelligence come together, is what is expressed. When disciples are working and be recognized by Christ, will come when He can again move among men can be publicly recognized and, thus, their task in the external and internal levels of life. On taking leave of his disciples, Christ said: "I will always be with you until the end of time."

When Christ comes, Christ consciousness actively flourish among men. Pour in the world of men, the force and energy characteristics of intuitive love. The results of the distribution of this energy of love will be twofold: First, the active energy of loving understanding mobilize a huge reaction against the forces of hatred. Hatred, separateness and exclusion will be considered as the only sin, it is recognized that all the sins arising from hatred or its consequence, anti-social consciousness.

Let purpose guide the little wills of men

  • The Purpose which the Masters know and serve.
  • In the three lines of the third stanza we have a prayer that the human will can be in accordance with the divine, although it is not understood. These three lines indicate that humanity itself can not capture, still, the divine purpose, that aspect of the will of God who seeks immediate expression on earth. Because the purpose of the Will of God seeks to influence the human will, it is expressed in human terms like good will, determination and firm intention to live to establish right human relations.
  • God's will as it is in its essence, remains the great mystery. Even Christ himself was faced with evidence of the divine will, and went to the Father at the precise moment that he realized for the first time, the extent and complexity of his mission as Savior of the world. Then he exclaimed: "Father, not my will but yours." Those words marked the abandonment of the means by which sought to save humanity, and told him he could look at the time an apparent failure and that his mission was not accomplished. Christ has waited almost two thousand years to bring this mission to deliver, because without the interaction of mankind, can not continue this mission he was assigned.
  • This invocation is essentially the mantra of Christ himself, whose "sound has spread" around the world to be ruled by him and used by the spiritual Hierarchy. Now, the words of the invocation be spread throughout the world, to recite all men, and its meaning must be expressed by most people, in due time. Then, Christ will "come down to earth" again and "see the longings of his soul and be satisfied."

From the center which we call the race of men

It is done the Plan of Love and Light

And seal the door where evil dwells.

In the three lines of the fourth stanza three aspects are invoked and the three powers of Mind, Love and Will, indicating that all these powers have strengthened his own humanity, "the call center the race of men. " Only he can express themselves, in time and space, the three divine qualities and can find fulfillment; birth alone can truly love, intelligence work properly, and demonstrate the will of God, his real desire for good. Through humanity, alone and unaided (except by the divine spirit in each humans), can be sealed "door where evil dwells."
The last line of the fourth stanza might need an explanation. Is a symbolic way of expressing the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking inactive and ineffectual evil purposes. There is a special place where evil dwells, the Book of Revelation in the New Testament speaks of evil, the destruction of the devil and make Satan impotent.

Humanity remains open "the door where evil dwells" by their selfish desires, their hatred and separateness, its greed and its racial and national barriers, its low ambitions and his love of power and cruelty . As the good will and light flow into the minds and hearts of men, the bad qualities and directed energies which keep the door of evil open will give place to a longing for right human relations, the determination to create a peaceful and better world and global expression of the will toward good. As these qualities supersede those other old and undesirable, the door where evil dwells closes slowly and symbolically, through the sheer weight of public opinion and the true human desire. Nothing can stop it.

This will restore the original Plan on Earth. Simultaneously, before humanity opens the door to the world of reality spiritual and close one where evil dwells. Thus, through the "center that we call the race of men", the Plan of Love and Light will be restored and strikes the death blow to evil, selfishness and separateness, sealing the tomb of death forever, so also, will be the purpose of the Creator of all things.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

The last line contains the idea of \u200b\u200brestoration - indicating, at the same time, the key to the future - and there will come a day when the original idea of \u200b\u200bGod and his original intention and is not frustrated by the free will and the evil of humans, for the pure simple materialism and selfishness, then, due to changes in the hearts and goals of humanity, the divine purpose will be fulfilled.

Tips for Job:
1. Reflecting a few minutes each day on the invocation, struggling to understand its deeper meaning. Then say the Great Invocation with specific intention and focus. As is done, see the Light, Love and the Will to Good, penetrating the hearts and minds of people around the world.

2. If you want to act as a unit triangle, ask two friends to join mentally with you. When you say the Great Invocation join them and display the triangle connected to the network that consists of all those engaged in this global service.

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The Great Invocation

Official Website of The Great Invocation