, looked inside to see how he created that person's disease. As he improved, the patient improved. Ho'oponopono means "to correct an error" or "do the right thing" and is a practice that was done a long tradition of Huna.
This technique is based:
1. In the belief that we create our reality, we are co-creators and everything we see, experience, all the people around us, everything that makes up our world is there because we've created, we have asked is for some reason or motive. It's there because that is what we agree ... and so therefore we are responsible for what happens in our world. We accept that we have 100% responsibility in the things that happen. 3. There is a Divinity whose wisdom and power are far superior to ours and who loves us unconditionally.
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order to practice this technique is to connect with our inner child and ask him to communicate with the Divine and say: "Divinity clean me what is contributing to this problem appears" Then you have to say: Sorry, forgive me I love you, thanks.
In doing so I am asking the Divine to cancel programs (memories) in me so that they are canceled also in other people, I am asking for healing my inner child to heal myself and others.
What is Ho'oponopono? Means: Correct a mistake.
What is the objective?
bring peace and balance in a simple and effective means of mental and physical cleansing and through a process of repentance, forgiveness and transmutation.
Ho'oponopono can be used by everyone regardless of age and culture.
Things we can achieve with the Hooponopono:
Solving problems in a simple manner. Dropping
problems that cause you stress, illness and imbalance ...
know who you are and find your identity through introspection and heal yourself through your template deleted, fears, etc.. How to connect and protect
your inner child, which is your subconscious and who embodied the things in your life.
how to get inner peace and balance through spiritual purification, mental and physical.
How to heal and let go of painful emotional memories without having to relive them. Sorry
and transmutation.
If we can accept that we are the sum total of all past thoughts, emotions, words, deeds and actions and that our present lives and choices are influenced by this bank of memory of the past, so we started to look like a correct process errors can change our lives, our families and our community.
The old technique Ho'oponopono
therapy takes shape from the ancient technique of Ho'oponopono, which cleans the unconscious because, as explained, all happening within ourselves. We take full responsibility. We are totally responsible for our lives as well as external events, that includes the president, politicians, the environment, anything that affects us directly or indirectly.
Healing is the result of the powerful feeling of forgiveness. If there is a problem regardless of whether internal or external must be solved internally.
How is it done? Ho'oponopono
According to resolve the problem is recite
"Divine Creator, Father, Mother, Son-in-one ... If I, my family, relatives and ancestors have offended you, your family, relatives and ancestors in thoughts, words, deeds and actions from the beginning of our creation to the present, we ask your forgiveness ... Let this cleanse, purify, release, cut all the negative memories, blocks, energies and vibrations transmute these unwanted energies to pure light ... and it's done. "
healing technique Dr. Haleakala Hew Len is based on repeating the following phrases to the Divine Creator, thinking that we are responsible:
PERDONAME Divine Creator, Father, Mother and son all one, forgive me if I, my family, my relatives I did my ancestors, I have offended you, your family, your relatives or ancestors in thoughts, words, attitudes and actions since the beginning of the creation of my soul to the present. We beg your forgiveness. Allows this to cleanse, purify and release, cut all the memories, blocks, energies and negative vibrations, transmute these unwanted energies in pure light. And this is done.
prayer such as we upload or aprendérnosla:
The Way of the work of Hooponopono in the three minds
Part A: Repentance and forgiveness.
The Conscious Mind can start the process of Ho'oponopono to release the reports, or may remain subject to them, with guilt and thought. "
1. The Conscious Mind begins the process of Ho'oponopono problem solving, petition to Divine Intelligence to transmute memories to void. She acknowledges that the memories are relived in your subconscious mind and that they are responsible for it 100%. (When I say I'm sorry, I'm asking forgiveness and making me charge at 100%)
2. The downward flow of the petition to the subconscious mind gently set in motion the memories for transmutation. The request then goes to the Super Conscious Mind, from the subconscious mind, and
3. The Super Conscious Mind reviews the application, making any changes it deems appropriate. For always being linked to Divine Providence, she is able to review and make changes. The request is then directed upwards to the Divine Intelligence, for final review and consideration;
Part B: Transmutation by Divine Intelligence
4. After analyzing the request sent upward by the Super Conscious Mind, Divine Intelligence sends energy transmutation Super Conscious Mind;
5. Transmuting energy flows from the Super Conscious Mind to the Conscious Mind.
6. And Transmuting energy flows from the Conscious Mind for Subconscious Mind. Transmuting energy neutralizes first designated reports. Neutralized energies are then released for storage, leaving a void. Memories are constant companions of the subconscious mind. They never let the subconscious mind to go on holiday. They never let the subconscious mind to retire. The memories never stop in their relentless revival! "
When practicing Ho'oponopono, we do to change the other, but to wipe Divinity" we "thoughts full of painful memories that make us see another as a problem. Cleaning takes place in you ... the work is done with you ... but those memories are shared when cleaning ... we are cleaning up in the All.
is crucial to understand that when we see a problem with someone, that person is just a reflection of a memory stored in our subconscious that is expressed through that problem in that person. The problem is not the person but our thoughts about it.
These reports, whether or not we aware of them, are projected at all times, creating our reality ... making repeat experiences occurred in stories that leave us without understanding why or how to get out of them ...
Often in these recurring situations, we have the illusion that the problem is on the other and that if he changed the suffering would end ... and invested much energy in the search for the amendment of the "other."
Sometimes, if the problem is the "other" prefer to keep a comfortable distance from where we can go ... and continue to interfere with our thoughts ... our prosecutions and taxes ... only the "other" ... we ourselves ... and it is our responsibility to clean all that we created from our thoughts and beliefs accumulated since the beginning of our experience.
When your soul experience some memories, say to them mentally or silently: "I love you, dear memories. I appreciate the opportunity to release all of you and me. "" I love you "can be repeated mentally over and over again. The memories never go "on vacation" or retire, unless you retirement. "I love you" can be used even if you are not aware of the problems.
We do all the time this process of disposing of memories and restore its own identity ... and open space for our reality is created by Divine Inspiration.

Divine Creator, Father, mother, son, all in one, if I, my family, my relatives and ancestors offended your family, relatives and ancestors in thoughts, words, deeds and actions from the beginning of our creation to This
we ask your forgiveness.
Let this cleanse, purify, release and cut all the memories, blocks,
Energy and negative vibrations. Transmutes these unwanted energies to pure light
and it is.
To cleanse my subconscious emotional storing all say it again and again during my day, the Ho `keywords Oponopono.
SORRY, FORGIVE ME, THANK YOU, I LOVE YOU. I declare peace with all people on Earth and with whom I have outstanding debts.
all those whom I believed to damage and abuse because I simply returned what I did before in another life, another time.
Although it hard to forgive me I'm someone who apologizes for that someone now, this moment in time.
On this sacred space that daily habit and you do not feel at ease.
so hard to keep only the only bad memories.
So, I do not like my present life, my life, my work or my environment: Divinity, cleaner that is helping me with my meager.
SORRY, FORGIVE ME, THANK YOU, I LOVE YOU. If my physical body experience anxiety, worry, guilt, fear, sadness, nostalgia, pain .... I say "I love my memories, I am grateful for the opportunity to free you and me.
I think my emotional health and all my loved ones. I love you
For my needs and to learn to wait without anxiety, without fear, acknowledge the reports here, sorry I love you.
Beloved Mother Earth that you are who I am if I, my family, my relatives and ancestors mistreat you with thoughts, words, deeds, stocks, since the beginning of our creation to the present , I ask your forgiveness.
Let this cleanse, purify, release and cut all the memories, blocks, energies and negative vibrations. Transmute the energy
undesirable PURA Light and it is. In conclusion I
your knowledge, this audio is my contribution to your emotional health is the same as mine.
So very well that to the extent that you go I will heal me too. For that reason, now I tell you I'm sorry, for the memories of pain that I share with you.
I'm sorry for joining my change yours to heal.
I thank you for being here for me and I love you for who you are .... Taken
video audio Vivi Ho `Oponopono Cervera ....
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