The Great Invocation is a world prayer translated more than 75 languages \u200b\u200band dialects. is an instrument of power to help bring about full expression of God's Plan on Earth. The beauty and strength of this Invocation lies in its simplicity and in its expression of certain central truths which all men innately and normally accept:
The truth of the existence of a basic Intelligence to Whom we vaguely give the name God.
The truth that behind all outward appearances, Love is the motivating power of the universe. The truth that came to Earth a great Individuality, called the Christ by Christians, who embodied that love so that we could understand.
The truth of that love and intelligence are two effects of the Will of God.
And finally the truth eminent that the Divine Plan can only develop through humanity itself. Through meditation, prayer and invocation, the divine energies can be released and brought to the activity. Men and women of goodwill of many faiths and nations can join together in world service, bringing courage and spiritual strength to a troubled world. They have the power to affect world events through focused, united invocation. Knowledge of this fact, scientifically applied, can be one of the great liberating factors of humanity.
Nobody can use this Invocation or prayer to evoke light and love without causing powerful changes in their own life, attitudes and purposes. "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he."
Will you use this Invocation in a thoughtful and dedicated?
The effect of individual prayer Invocation and demand for light and love, is increased immeasurably when there is a conscious recognition and daily mental relationship with those who pronounced the Invocation as often as they wish in due course. The link made each day through this invocation will form a triangle lit world. The union of the joint force of individuals and groups focusing the power of this prayer so that stands around the globe a network of light and love that will help stop the evil forces that invade the planet.
The Great Invocation From the point of Light within the Mind of God Let light stream forth
the minds of men; Let Light descend on Earth.
From the point of Love within the Heart of God Let love stream forth the hearts of men; May Christ return to Earth.
From the center where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men; The purpose which the Masters know and serve.
Only a few, very few used the Lord's Prayer in the early days of Christianity, because it was necessary to register and express it in understandable terms, and translate it properly before being used widely. This effort took centuries. Today we have all the facilities for rapid distribution, and have been employed on the Great Invocation. words, the origin of The Great Invocation is strongly hierarchical comes from the Planetary Spiritual Hierarchy or that set of Masters of Compassion and Wisdom, of whom the World Teacher is one of its key guides (called Christ by Christians and other names in different religious and philosophical traditions of our modern world .
The beauty and strength of this Invocation lies in its simplicity and in its expression of certain central truths which all men innately and normally accept, such as the truth of the existence of a basic Intelligence to Whom we vaguely give the name of God, the truth that behind all outward appearances, Love is the motivating power of the universe, the truth that came to Earth a great Individuality - called by Christians the Christians - who embodied that love so that we could understand, the truth that love and intelligence are both effects of the Will of God, and finally, the obvious truth that the divine plan can only developed through humanity itself.
This invocation is not owned by any individual or particular group. It belongs to all humanity. Using it or encouraging others to recite that does not favor any particular group or organization. All
Invocation refers to the imminent, influential and revealing energy deposition, the immediate cause of all events on earth, indicating the birth of something new and better, these events demonstrate the advancement of human consciousness into greater light. Let light stream forth into the minds of men
Let Light descend on Earth.
The first three lines refer to the Mind of God as the focal point for divine light. This concerns the soul of all things. The term soul - with its attribute of enlightenment - including the human soul and the highest point we regard as the soul "influential" of humanity, that brings light and diffused lighting. You need to have This, provided that the light is active energy.
When we invoke the Mind of God and say "Let light stream forth into the minds of men, let Light descend on Earth", we are expressing one of the greatest needs of humanity and, if the invocation and prayer mean anything, the answer will surely come and certainty. When people feel the need - at all times, in all circumstances and at all times - to implore it to an invisible spirit, we can rest assured that such a center exists. The invocation is as old as humanity itself.
Christ said that men "love darkness rather than light because their works are bad. "However, the beauty that emerges at present is that the light reaches every dark place, and nothing is hidden that shall not be revealed. People recognize the current darkness and misery, and therefore gives welcome light. One of the greatest needs today is to enlighten human minds to see things as they are and understand the right motives and how to establish right human relations. In the light that brings enlightenment , we see finally the light, and the day that thousands of children of men and countless groups may say Hermes and Christ: "I am (or we) light the world." From
point of Love within the Heart of God
The three lines in the second stanza, the Heart of God and relate to the focal point of love, the "heart" of the world manifested in the spiritual hierarchy - the great intelligence that transmits love all forms of manifestation divine. Love is an energy that must reach the hearts of men and fertilizing mankind with understanding the quality of love, when love and intelligence come together, is what is expressed.
When disciples are working and be recognized by Christ, will come when He can again move among men can be publicly recognized and, thus, their task in the external and internal levels of life. On taking leave of his disciples, Christ said: "I will always be with you until the end of time."
When Christ comes, Christ consciousness actively flourish among men. Pour in the world of men, the force and energy characteristics of intuitive love. The results of the distribution of this energy of love will be twofold: First, the active energy of loving understanding mobilize a huge reaction against the forces of hatred. Hatred, separateness and exclusion will be considered as the only sin, it is recognized that all the sins arising from hatred or its consequence, anti-social consciousness.
Let purpose guide the little wills of men
- The Purpose which the Masters know and serve. In the three lines of the third stanza we have a prayer that the human will can be in accordance with the divine, although it is not understood. These three lines indicate that humanity itself can not capture, still, the divine purpose, that aspect of the will of God who seeks immediate expression on earth. Because the purpose of the Will of God seeks to influence the human will, it is expressed in human terms like good will, determination and firm intention to live to establish right human relations.
- God's will as it is in its essence, remains the great mystery. Even Christ himself was faced with evidence of the divine will, and went to the Father at the precise moment that he realized for the first time, the extent and complexity of his mission as Savior of the world. Then he exclaimed: "Father, not my will but yours." Those words marked the abandonment of the means by which sought to save humanity, and told him he could look at the time an apparent failure and that his mission was not accomplished. Christ has waited almost two thousand years to bring this mission to deliver, because without the interaction of mankind, can not continue this mission he was assigned.
- This invocation is essentially the mantra of Christ himself, whose "sound has spread" around the world to be ruled by him and used by the spiritual Hierarchy. Now, the words of the invocation be spread throughout the world, to recite all men, and its meaning must be expressed by most people, in due time. Then, Christ will "come down to earth" again and "see the longings of his soul and be satisfied."
From the center which we call the race of men
It is done the Plan of Love and Light
And seal the door where evil dwells.
In the three lines of the fourth stanza three aspects are invoked and the three powers of Mind, Love and Will, indicating that all these powers have strengthened his own humanity, "the call center the race of men. " Only he can express themselves, in time and space, the three divine qualities and can find fulfillment; birth alone can truly love, intelligence work properly, and demonstrate the will of God, his real desire for good. Through humanity, alone and unaided (except by the divine spirit in each humans), can be sealed "door where evil dwells."
The last line of the fourth stanza might need an explanation. Is a symbolic way of expressing the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking inactive and ineffectual evil purposes. There is a special place where evil dwells, the Book of Revelation in the New Testament speaks of evil, the destruction of the devil and make Satan impotent.
Humanity remains open "the door where evil dwells" by their selfish desires, their hatred and separateness, its greed and its racial and national barriers, its low ambitions and his love of power and cruelty . As the good will and light flow into the minds and hearts of men, the bad qualities and directed energies which keep the door of evil open will give place to a longing for right human relations, the determination to create a peaceful and better world and global expression of the will toward good. As these qualities supersede those other old and undesirable, the door where evil dwells closes slowly and symbolically, through the sheer weight of public opinion and the true human desire. Nothing can stop it.
This will restore the original Plan on Earth. Simultaneously, before humanity opens the door to the world of reality spiritual and close one where evil dwells. Thus, through the "center that we call the race of men", the Plan of Love and Light will be restored and strikes the death blow to evil, selfishness and separateness, sealing the tomb of death forever, so also, will be the purpose of the Creator of all things.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
The last line contains the idea of \u200b\u200brestoration - indicating, at the same time, the key to the future - and there will come a day when the original idea of \u200b\u200bGod and his original intention and is not frustrated by the free will and the evil of humans, for the pure simple materialism and selfishness, then, due to changes in the hearts and goals of humanity, the divine purpose will be fulfilled.
Tips for Job:
1. Reflecting a few minutes each day on the invocation, struggling to understand its deeper meaning. Then say the Great Invocation with specific intention and focus. As is done, see the Light, Love and the Will to Good, penetrating the hearts and minds of people around the world.
The last line of the fourth stanza might need an explanation. Is a symbolic way of expressing the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking inactive and ineffectual evil purposes. There is a special place where evil dwells, the Book of Revelation in the New Testament speaks of evil, the destruction of the devil and make Satan impotent.
Humanity remains open "the door where evil dwells" by their selfish desires, their hatred and separateness, its greed and its racial and national barriers, its low ambitions and his love of power and cruelty . As the good will and light flow into the minds and hearts of men, the bad qualities and directed energies which keep the door of evil open will give place to a longing for right human relations, the determination to create a peaceful and better world and global expression of the will toward good. As these qualities supersede those other old and undesirable, the door where evil dwells closes slowly and symbolically, through the sheer weight of public opinion and the true human desire. Nothing can stop it.
This will restore the original Plan on Earth. Simultaneously, before humanity opens the door to the world of reality spiritual and close one where evil dwells. Thus, through the "center that we call the race of men", the Plan of Love and Light will be restored and strikes the death blow to evil, selfishness and separateness, sealing the tomb of death forever, so also, will be the purpose of the Creator of all things.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
The last line contains the idea of \u200b\u200brestoration - indicating, at the same time, the key to the future - and there will come a day when the original idea of \u200b\u200bGod and his original intention and is not frustrated by the free will and the evil of humans, for the pure simple materialism and selfishness, then, due to changes in the hearts and goals of humanity, the divine purpose will be fulfilled.
Tips for Job:
1. Reflecting a few minutes each day on the invocation, struggling to understand its deeper meaning. Then say the Great Invocation with specific intention and focus. As is done, see the Light, Love and the Will to Good, penetrating the hearts and minds of people around the world.
2. If you want to act as a unit triangle, ask two friends to join mentally with you. When you say the Great Invocation join them and display the triangle connected to the network that consists of all those engaged in this global service.
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