The world needs us Ho'oponopono You know what? Guided Meditations
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Has Scorpio Man Lost Interest
These stories of wisdom to "learn to learn" have been selected in an integrative among different cultural roots. Origins from the ancient Sufi, Hindu and Zen, and form what he calls "ethical heritage of mankind."
We provide a set of values \u200b\u200band principles which underline the lights and shadows of the human condition to freedom and mental deconditioning. Throughout this very readable book is connected with a collection of grandeur and human misery. Ancient emotions that underlie the author make a masterful example of the keys to human happiness.
* El amor
* La pasión
* La dependencia
* El miedo
* El engaño
* La avaricia
* La incertidumbre
* La búsqueda del sentido de la vida
Nos hallamos ante un libro para pequeños y grandes, de doce a noventa y nueve años, que contribuye a recuperar el criterio que integra la esfera de lo trascendente y el mundo material, y que sin duda supone una valiosa herramienta en el proceso iniciático de “aprender a aprender”.
Las reflexiones que acompañan a cada cuento, establecen nexos de unión entre la historia del mismo y nuestra realidad cotidiana. En cualquier caso, son una inestimable ayuda para reforzar una mente más enlightened and prosperous, and a guide for educators who seek elements of maturing as a learning object.
acknowledge that these readings are not only interesting for self-reflection and debate, but may also be appropriate to accompany the traveler to distant lands. I think if you meet with members of other cultures, would have a good communication tool. If the ultimate consequences of the work of this book give the reader the seeds of "a mind that loves and a heart that thinks", it will be able to share the author's own subtle objective.
About the author: Jose Maria Doria, is Law Degree, Masters in Higher Business Management and Masters in Psychology. Work transpersonal psychotherapist and coach emotional. Make workshops Education Emotions, Integral Consciousness and Introduction to Meditation. founding member of Integral Institute Transperson and Transpersonal Therapy School, from which trains future therapists. Organizers
trip to Nepal and China, and their research has led him to live with the Huichol Indians in Mexico, and the lamas of the Kopan Monastery in Nepal. Lecturer and author of numerous works, both written and audiovisual.
, Jose Maria Doria [Audiobook + Book] Stories and insights of ancient wisdom about the keys to human happiness. 3 CD in different ways in which we operate (the workplace, the family,
institutions, friends) and what we cause these toxicities, namely its effects and consequences. It gives us information about what to do and how to be free of them all and all these people trying to get sick every day life.
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pages of this book lead us to bring healing to the areas that every human being needs. In this book you will find a systematic and organized way to minister inner healing to people oppressed by the devil, hurt in their emotions and tied in his spiritual life. The model of the Four Gates is a practical and easy to carry health in four major areas of every human being, The Wounds of Childhood, The Gate of the Occult, Spiritual and Heritage Puerta del Pecado. few years ago, in the churches ministered only release, you understand the casting out devils in inner healing the goal is not the only, but the Holy Spirit to heal all wounds of the soul.
This model is already functioning in many Latin American countries, USA, Germany, Spain etc.
In Argentina more than 20,000 people to date have experienced inner healing, and thousands of congregations being implemented with great success.
When God revealed this model by Bernardo Stamate pastor immediately shared it with all the people of God, because in the last stage in the history of the Church will rise as a powerful Church, with all authority, and healthy people by the power of the Holy Spirit.
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