will address a current issue, as is the Law of Attraction, documented in the film called "The Secret" has helped millions of people around the world to change their lives for the better, to achieve their goals and meet many of your dreams. Dreams who remained asleep before
to understand the basic principles of the universe, which will discuss in this e-course of the Law of Attraction.
Arguably, from the knowledge of how to implement the Law of Attraction, all people can achieve significant achievements, a new way to view and navigate their lives with a greater attitude of vision, more decisive character and greater willingness to self-observation, but above all, with a higher dose of faith, and brings the knowledge of the existence of a "source of solutions" provided by our Father Creator. Data: AUDIO COURSE LAW OF ATTRACTION, Tito Figueroa [Audiobook] - The knowledge needed to understand the essentials of the Law of Attraction.
1 CD on self-healing through mind control techniques. The amazing thing is that this is still considered something strange and esoteric and not everyone is aware of the immense power the mind exerts over his body, control of diseases and to improve health.
From medical research has advanced understanding of the relationship between body and mind, to such an extent that it is considering to strengthen our mind, body repair schools, which would facilitate treatment of disease.
However, we must say that the studies are not so advanced as to dispense with your doctor. In any case, it is indicated that you consult and jobs as well the power of your brain to help with your recovery.
Data: SANAT WITH THE POWER OF YOUR BRAIN, Tito Figueroa [Audiobook] - The mysteries of the brain and the power of thought in self-healing.
1 CD
is an audio technology that works at your subconscious mind and can replace old and limiting patterns of behavior, or limiting beliefs, with new patterns of success and triumph. It's like if you became a new human being, naturally and without compromise.
"The Conscious Reprogramming was that both had sought to mold my success" - Liber Sevcik
Our brain is a biological computer, as any computer, acting through programs, in this case "Mental" (known as Software in the computer language).
These programs can be a conscious level for you ... others do not even realize their existence, such as:
* The program by which your heart beats all your life, without stopping.
* The program that allows you to breathe steadily and without your intervention.
* The program that activates different parts, as if your immune system to help fight viruses, infections, diseases, etc.
* The program that makes your pupil to constrict or dilate, according to the light they receive your eyes.
* And of course many more ...
But when it comes to behaviors, attitudes, habits, customs, beliefs, paradigms ... also Programs are talking about!
The Conscious Reprogramming is an audio tool, nice, easy and simple for you, where the only effort you need to do is to NOT make any effort.
This powerful audio technology lets you program into your subconscious, a wonderful new powerful belief system, and thus have access to great triumphs in the most important and relevant aspects of your life. So that, where there were limiting beliefs, will place renewed belief that drives you to get everything that you thought would never be able or was not for you. Here are some utilities
* Overcoming Stress and anxiety with a simple order to your parasympathetic system. * Enable self-healing mechanisms through the immune system orders.
* Build Wealth through the ingenuity of new mechanisms to make money .. * Improve your sexual performance broadly, your satisfaction and your endurance.
* visibly improve your attractiveness to the opposite sex. * modify unwanted behavior patterns of desired and useful. * Increase Motivation to exercise and enjoy. * Accelerate and increase the learning capacity.
* Optimize Your Memory and strengthen Your access to persistent data.
* Overcoming unpleasant facts of the past.
* Improve your relationship because of your renewal.
* Eliminate fears, blockages, beliefs, inferiority complexes.
* Increase your powers of sexual seduction and social. * Increase your charisma and your ability to leave good impression on others. * Get quick rehabilitation.
* Improving Discipline and determination in your tasks and purposes. Exacerbating * Improve your relationship because of your renewal.
* Eliminate fears, blockages, beliefs, inferiority complexes.
* Increase your powers of sexual seduction and social. * Increase your charisma and your ability to leave good impression on others. * Get quick rehabilitation.
* Creative thinking and brilliant. * deep relaxation and pleasant. Access to profound mental states. * Well ... All I want to BE HAPPY
And for how time is supposed to listen to the Conscious Reprogramming? This answer will depend on you and you'll notice changes within yourself. However, it is recommended a minimum of 45 continuous days (obviously, you'll see results in some areas faster than others, as previously programmed into your subconscious). It is very gratifying to hear this audio technology, so prolonged security gladly this time and from time to time, will reinforce your commands to hear again.
"I can fall asleep while listening?
is entirely likely, as your brain will be located at a frequency between 7 Hz and 8 Hz ALFA approximately (Meditative). 
then relaxation is enhanced if you lie or you can stay comfortable and asleep, as the brain tends to slow gradually. In this case, Conscious Reprogramming works even better, so do not worry. What and how is the most effective way of listening? Keep the habit of doing it at bedtime and when you rise. The most effective way is with headphones, since waves are aware the Reschedule Binaural and need to be heard in both ears. During the day, if you want to put you headphones while doing chores or daily activities that are not of any danger if you relax too much, you can do it perfectly.
Conscious Reprogramming never heard while driving a car, as extreme relaxation may induce you to sleep while driving.
Data: REPROGRAMMING AWARE, Tito Figueroa [Audio] - Your mind is a computer that can be used to succeed and succeed.
1 CD
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